"The Big 6 is a six-stage model to help anyone solve problems or make decisions by using information. Some call it information literacy, information communication, or ICT skills, or a process, but we call it the Big 6." 1. Task Definition 1.1 Define the information problem 1.2 Identify information needed 2. Information Seeking Strategies 2.1 Determine all possible sources 2.2 Select the best sources 3. Location and Access 3.1 Locate sources (intellectually and physically) 3.2 Find information within sources 4. Use of Information 4.1 Engage (e.g., read, hear, view, touch) 4.2 Extract relevant information 5. Synthesis 5.1 Organize from multiple sources 5.2 Present the information 6. Evaluation 6.1 Judge the product (effectiveness) 6.2 Judge the process (efficiency) Our wonderful library team use the BIG 6 when collaborating with teachers, helping create assessments, teaching students research skills and more! Our secondary school Pascale Viala often makes posters catered to different projects. Here are her general Big 6, Personal Project and EE posters! Please leave a positive comment - I am encouraging her to blog, and your positive feedback would help!
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June 2023