Recently my MYPC told me about a documentary on DW called "Will Germany's car industry survive?". I watched it over the weekend and thought it was perfect for our Grade 9 design unit on car design, but also that many of our other students would love it, especially as live in Stuttgart and many parents are working in the car industry! My MYPC and I discussed giving students more opportunities to watch documentaries in their advisory class.
In an advisory session coming soon(ish), the class will have the opportunity to pick a documentary to watch together. To help them come to a consensus, one of the ways they will have to justify the selection, is by saying why the documentary is useful for an IB Learner. Here they can use the IB Learner Profile, Mission or AtL skills to justify their selection. If they can't unanimously agree on one documentary, then the homeroom teacher will make the call. The ATL focus is: Research Skills - Media Literacy: Make informed choices about personal viewing experiences
They can pick any documentary they want. It could be from a youtuber they love or something they have seen on TV. Below are some options of places to look, along with some examples of documentaries. Our advisory sessions are an hour long, so it should give them time to find, discuss, pick, watch and reflect!
Documentary Sources DW Documentaries “DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch high-class documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs a”
Global Oneness Project “We aim to connect, through stories, the local human experience to global meta-level issues, such as climate change, water scarcity, food insecurity, poverty, endangered cultures, migration, and sustainability.”
Guardian Documentaries Documentaries from the Guardian newspaper
NY Times Op-Ed Videos Short documentaries from the NY Times. All documentaries have an accompanying article linked below.
Here's a link to the document. Feel free to make a copy for your students. LASTLY - Please comment or tweet me links to other sources of good documentaries! I want to give my students a lot of choice, and also have documentaries being made/produced in different parts of the world. EDIT!
June 2023