I recently started working at the International School of Stuttgart. Just over a week ago, I accepted the position of Personal Project Coordinator too. Last Wednesday I did some training for the MYP teachers at the school. It is always difficult coming into something not at the start (The students started their PP at the end of Grade 9) and it is hard not knowing what teachers already know - BUT I have received positive feedback, so will share my little training session with you!
The week before I had worked with Grade 10s, to make sure that their goal was: 1. Not focussed on the product/outcome 2. The Global Context was a key part of their project, not an after-thought. After doing that session with Grade 10, I asked 'how many of you are sure the Global Context you picked is still the right one?' - only a few students raised their hands! My session for teachers was basically the exact same session, so that they would know exactly what I had gone over with the students.
I added two different activities.
1. After going through the examples showing how a project about cars could look very different explored through different Global Contexts - I had teachers imagine how a project about cookbooks could also look very different! Scientific & Technical Innovation
Globalisation & Sustainability
Identities & Relationships
2. At the start of the session I had teachers imagine they were doing a Personal Project - what would it be about? At the end of the session, they shared their ideas with the group on MentiMeter
I really enjoyed running this session and was excited to see the teachers ideas. Here is the presentation I used - feel free to make a copy and use this in your own schools. Comments are closed.
June 2023