Last Tuesday I had all 97 Grade 10 students in the auditorium for an afternoon session focussing on the Personal Project.
Each table was set up with flip chart paper, with some handy documents (ATLs, Assessment information, CRAAP test, and more). One of our students is doing her project about the benefits of herbal tea, so she had tea and cookies set up in the back of the room. As they arrived we had jazz music playing while they settled themselves.
We started off by watching the music video for "That One Moment" by OKGO, and the making of video.
Students brainstormed all the things they would expect to see in the band's Process Journal. We then looked at Criterion A and B, strand by strand, to see if they had put down Process Journals entries that would support them.
This session gave them more information about how their Process Journal will support their Reports. For the rest of the afternoon students were able to work on their process journals, and could get advice from me and other teachers in the room. I was so impressed with the work they have done already! Lots of thoughtful and detailed process journals!
The next thing I wanted to share was an activity they will be doing when they come back after Thanksgiving. This is an activity that will happen in their advisory rooms, with Grade 11 running it. This is just to remind them of the importance of documenting everything they have been doing. Feel free to make a copy and use this in your schools.
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June 2023