A while back I shared my UN Global Goals Design Challenge Cards, which were used for a mini unit with my students. This year my Grade 8s did a complete UN Global Goals unit, which included every stage of the Design Cycle. In this version, students could pick a goal they wanted to focus on - I was impressed that the students selected a range, including no poverty, quality education, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, sustainable cities and communities, climate action, life below water and lofe on land! We also used one-pager summative assessments, where students would create a one page document for each criterion. This really made students go back to the expectations, objectives and the command terms, to make sure they are carefully selecting the write information.
Students are just finishing up Criterion B, but I wanted to share out the work now, as lots of people have been asking for more information! ​Here's the complete slide deck.
I have a lot of ESL/ESOL/EAL students in my Grade 8 class, and I was super impressed by how much writing they did for this!
I also asked my students if I could share some of their work on my blog (without names), and not one student said no! Here's some of the formative and summative work my Grade 8s have been doing: Comments are closed.
June 2023