Hello strangers! Between my new job, an international move, chasing after my toddler and working on my Masters I have been neglecting this blog! Apologies - I am still here! I am now working at the IB as a curriculum manager, and our current project is a revamp/improvement of the MYP. As we have more information to release, I will share links here. It's been really exciting and I am super happy about the changes on the horizon (all with the aims of being better for students, easier for educators and more flexible for schools). While we have been busy behind the scenes, I wanted to share one video showing the thoughts of Gert Biesta. We shared this video in some recent development meetings with MYP educators, who it seemed to also resonate with. I started my career as a school librarian, and the focus then was really on 21st century skills, and helping students be successful in the work place/in jobs that didn't exist yet (with a heavy emphasis on coding and digital literacy). The shift has now been to not just think about the students individual success, but to think about how they can contribute to and thrive in a successful world. I used to always say that I wanted my students to be happy and successful....but not if they were going to become arms dealers or exploitative landlords! This shift to world-centered education puts universal flourishing at the heart of education! Another shift I like from this video is the thought of what can we do, because of our unique place in the world - what does the time/space that we occupy allow us, and not someone else to do. When my partner had Covid recently, this idea resonated with me - what am I in the unique position to do - what can only I do tolook after him when he is sick. This shifts my thoughts on 'think global, act local', to not only acting locally, but thinking about what only you can do. This is something the students might think about when considering SA projects. The following is a screenshot from a slide that pulls out quotes from the above video and from a episode of the Future Learning Design podcast (they also have an episode with IB director-general Olli-Pekka Heinonen) After watching the video - a reflection could be - "what are you in the unique position to do, because of who you are, and where you are, that can support the success of the world around you?".
Bonus resource: I also love this "Educating for Global Competence, Preparing our Youth to Engage the World." It helps operationalize world-centered education - what skills do we need to make the world a better place (instead of just to be able to work in a 21st century job...) Last note: I haven't updated in a long time, but I am still paying monthly fees for the domain. This blog has never made me money, but costs money to run. If you want to support/show appreciation, please buy me a coffee. This will also give me the nudge to blog more (Thanks to Mauricio for the initial push!) |
June 2023