This is another resource I thought I had shared, but I can't find it on my I think this is the first time I am sharing it!
One of the things I had planned for my Grade 6 and 7s was a genius hour/passion project, to complete over a few weeks, in their advisory and core classes. This was before the lockdown, so it never happened, but I am hoping we will use it again next year. It's very simple, it includes some goal setting, and reflection, including reflecting on AtL skills used. Feel free to use this in your schools.
I made this guide a while ago and will be using it with my students this year. It goes through each strand, showing the objectives and different levels, and also has a space for them to write reflections and also gives them ideas for process journal articles. While I don't think it is wise for students to write their reports as they go, (as it is supposed to be reflective), by filling in this doc as they go, they can use it to help them write their final report. Personal Project Complete Guide I've set the link, so anyone can comment - so please give me suggestions or ideas for improving it. As always, feel free to make your own copy and use it with your students - go to 'File' (below the document title) then select 'Make a Copy'. |
June 2023