I've been re-organising my classroom and laminating like crazy over the break. I decided to print out the thinking routines I use often, or want to use often. These are from different places including Visible Thinking, Artful Thinking, Pathways to Understanding: Developing Students’ Memory & Note Taking Skills, Agency by Design, Exploring Complexity and Global Thinking. I just created a Google Slide Deck which has the routine name and instructions on one side, and the purpose on the other side. I printed these out on coloured paper, then folded them in half (name and instruction on front, purpose on back) and laminated them. Feel free to use these too. Remember there are more thinking routines out there - I just personally use/want to use these ones. A while ago I posted a link in my blog to my ATL Toolkit. This is a big spreadsheet with with all the ATLs laid out with their different indicators. For each indicator I put different resources linked to this - for example, under 'Research - Information Literacy Skills "Create references and citations, use footnotes/endnotes and construct a bibliography according to recognized conventions"' I have the following links posted:
and here is a screenshot of part of the Social Skills page I'm going to make it a personal learning goal to keep adding more resources to this, as I know I haven't added many for a while. Please send me links to any resources you think should be added to the ATL toolkit. ATL TOOLKITLast weekend I attended a "ATLs in the DP" training session, run by the wonderful Chiel Mooij. This was a super enjoyable session, which touched a lot on international mindedness and TOK. Although I am an MYP teacher, I found this super useful, especially with discussion about bringing more TOK into other classes. One of the tools Chiel shared was the IB's "Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme: Reflection tool". (available on MY IB, or here). I found this took super useful, for reflecting on my teaching practice in general, not just on particular units, and not just for DP. I decided to take this document, and make it into a Google Form - I will make copies of the form and use them for different purposes. For example, I will make a copy to:
When reflecting on each skill/activity, it ranges from "In almost every lesson" to "Not in this unit/topic". However, it is important to understand that you are not aiming for "In almost every lesson" everytime - firstly it would be impossible to do each activity/skill in every class, and also some are needed more regularly than others. For example, "Thinking Skills -ask open questions?" you might aim to do this in every lesson, but "Self-Management Skills - discuss planning and approaches to revision?" might happen only once. It's a super long form. I've made it so none of the questions are required (apart from the one asking if you want to move to ATLs/ATTs or Complete the Form). You can just look at one particular section, or can skip through what you think is not relevant. It also might just be worth looking through the initial document or the survey, and picking out your strengths and weaknesses. For example: Thinking Skills My Strengths:
Here are some of the changes: Feel free to fill in my copy of the form. This will just be used as a template, but I .am happy to see people filling it in. If you want a copy, please leave a comment with your GMAIL address.
I listened to an episode of My Disney Class podcast, and they did an activity called 'truth or trash' as an ice breaker. I decided to use this as an idea for a quick activity, where students can evaluate sources AND have a better understanding of in-text citations. I gave them five facts, with the in-text citation, and a bibliography at the end. The first task was to find the correct source - the second was to see if it was truth or trash! The first answer was very easy (truth), then the next were kind of trick questions. Here's the link, and the questions below. Answers.
1 - True 2 - True-ish. It was actually Serena Williams, not Venus who said that. 3 - Trash - the source does say that Game of Thrown's actors will come back....but the Onion is a spoof website, (this relies on some prior knowledge of the game) 4 - Trash - They never asked for a tennis court - they asked outright for a basketball course 5 - True - BUT it is "Kukur Tihar" not "Tukur Kihar" I put this together very quickly before a class - but will do more of these in the future!
Another quick post! This morning I put together a quick ACCESS FM game for one of my grade 7 classes. With this game students will see an object on the board, and they have to pick one specification type, from ACCESS FM, (Aesthetics, cost, customer, environment, size, safety, function and material) and describe it. The next person can pick from the remaining specification types, till we get all 8 done. If one is wrong, or someone has nothing to say, they are out.
I started off easy, but looking at Duplo, a vintage car and Fortnite. I then made it hard, showing objects that they may have never seen before. Feel free to use the game, but please keep credit. If you use it, I'd love to have feedback, or hear about changes and improvements you make. Direct Link HERE
“This resource includes the use of Accessfm by kind permission of Spencer Herbert - www.accessfm.com”
June 2023