Another quick post! This morning I put together a quick ACCESS FM game for one of my grade 7 classes. With this game students will see an object on the board, and they have to pick one specification type, from ACCESS FM, (Aesthetics, cost, customer, environment, size, safety, function and material) and describe it. The next person can pick from the remaining specification types, till we get all 8 done. If one is wrong, or someone has nothing to say, they are out.
I started off easy, but looking at Duplo, a vintage car and Fortnite. I then made it hard, showing objects that they may have never seen before. Feel free to use the game, but please keep credit. If you use it, I'd love to have feedback, or hear about changes and improvements you make. Direct Link HERE
“This resource includes the use of Accessfm by kind permission of Spencer Herbert -”
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June 2023