Disclaimer: This entry is only relevant to teachers who work in a school which uses the IB's MYP.
I am the Personal Project Coordinator at my school (and was at my previous school). At the end of Grade 9, students attend a two day Personal Project Bootcamp. The aims of this bootcamp are to introduce students to the requirements of the Personal Project and to get them to start thinking about their project over the summer. Only when they get back to school in August, do they update their goal to ManageBac, so I can assign supervisors. I am going to share the resources from this bootcamp on my blog - please feel free to make copies of the presentations and to use them in your own schools. Please send feedback my way too! Day 1 - Session 1 - Overview
This first session lays out the ground rules for the bootcamp and gives an overview to the Personal Project. This was led with the whole of Grade 9 in one room (our library) and with a 6 Grade 10s to answer questions and give tips.
The session starts with a Kahoot - which they will repeat at the very end of the two day bootcamp - so they can see how much they learnt. Day 1 - Session 2 - Global Contexts
Students spent around 5 minutes in the library together, then the grade were divided into six different classrooms. There was teachers to support these sessions, but they were actually run by the Grade 10s.
Students also had access to this 'Inspirational Videos' presentation, in case they had to much spare time - each video is linked to a Global Context and the exploration. You can also adapt these for a general training on the Global Contexts Day 1 - Session 3 - Student Showcase
In this last session we started by watching a video about Design. After this students moved freely between the six classrooms and the library. Here Grade 10s had set up, so they could show their project, report and process journals. Unlike the exhibition (was was so busy) they were able to give a much more in depth view of the experience and the finally outcome. This also meant that students who produced films, could show them in full.
Learn about the second day of the bootcamp here. |
June 2023