Over the summer I am working on developing some curriculum for our advisory/core program, focussing on approaches to learning (ATL) skills. This includes everything from digital citizenship, to LGBTQ sessions to looking at International Human Rights Day! When the school year starts, I will make sure to share these resources here. However, I wanted to share one I made today, to get some feedback, and because I am fresh from visiting Madrid!
In Madrid, I spent a day alone wandering around the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. This collection of paintings, by Equipo 57, stood out to me, and when I saw the title :"Interactive Cinema I" I started creating little cinematic pieces in my head, inspired by the individual paintings. I thought of it as a storyboard I could scramble, re-arrange and create new meaning for. This creates an easy link to the ATL: Thinking - Creative Thinking Skills: Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways
I decided to put this together into an activity for my Grade 6s, were they could be silly and use their imagination to create their own stories. Hopefully my silly examples will get them started!
Here's a link to the full presentation (make your own copy, by selecting 'File' then 'Make a Copy')
and here's a preview of the presentation too:
(When you open the presentation, in the "Speakers Notes' section you will find links for all images/facts)
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June 2023