This is something I had planned to do a couple of years ago, at the end of a digital illustration unit. However, we never got round to it! Maybe it is something someone else wants to try? Linkhere.
Reflection prompts for student portfolios.
Below are some prompts you can use with students to reflect on a unit/piece of work. These can also used as exit tickets.
I worked with Toddle to create a visual guide to the MYP. This will help educators understand the key elements of the MYP. The document is easy to understand and has some teacher tips and activities for reflection throughout. You can download it here.
I have noticed that many schools struggle with providing service opportunities within the curriculum or with students initiating service projects, inspired by the curriculum. Often service projects in schools are very disconnected from the curriculum, and are often just clubs, events and fundraisers.
I put together a slide deck with three main parts: 1. Some key quotes from MYP: From Principles into Practice about Service as Action 2. Some reflection questions for teachers 3. A series of reflection questions for students. These are designed for students to answer at the end of the unit. A teacher might pick one or two for all students to answer or might give them a selection to choose from. Not all will be relevant for every unit and some might seem to be repeated because they are very similar....BUT hopefully, they are useful. Slide deck is here.
I was invited to give one of the Keynotes at the Noida Pathway's Job-a-Like event! I decided to speak about the importance of the MYP today. My focus was on how important the MYP is for inspiring young people, but also how it helps shape them into better citizens/people who want to make the world a better place!
Here is the slide deck I used. I also had an accompanying slidedeck that people could fill in during/after the keynote. Feel free to use the second slidedeck as a tool for reflection.
Bonus: Check out this video: Educator Tips: Creating a statement of inquiry
June 2023